Tuesday 25 June 2019

The Sixth Sense Movie Review

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                   WOW, it's a horror movie. When the teacher mentioned in class, I actually feel exciting rather than afraid. The sixth sense is a 1999 American horror drama film directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starred by Haley Joel Osment and Bruce Wills. This movie is about a boy named Cole Sear who has an abnormal power where he can see dead people and communicate with them normally. Because of this, he was suffering from social depression and mental illness. He feels like being isolated by society. He met a child psychologist, Malcolm Crowe who try to help him against the problems. Before that, Malcolm has a kid patient named Vincent Grey, he failed to help him and shot him when he has grown up. Malcolm felt guilty about Vincent's death so he helped Cole to expiate so that he can feel better. After gets along with each other, Cole was willing to tell Malcolm his secret which he can see and communicate with dead people. Malcolm believed him and he found the solution for Cole. Cole becomes more cheerful while Malcolm has completed his wish. He says goodbye to his wife and leaves reluctantly, It was so touching when both of them have their last conversation.

                    There are many genres that I have to learn during the lecture. A genre can be classified as it is a film type that categorizing or grouping films. To categorize film, Rick Altman has come out with two methods, semantic and syntactic approach. The semantic approach is a list of common traits and attitudes, characters, shows, locations, sets that bring us to very much the visual aspects of the film. Visuals are included mise-en-scene of the location, makeup and costumes, lighting, actor's behavior, and movement. The syntactic approach is constitutive relationships between undesignated and variable characters, bringing us to very much the thematic aspects of the film. Syntactic is derived from the narrative of the film such as the type of characters, ideologies, and structures.  Both of these two approaches must complement each other and used them together. 

                     The main genre that uses in this film is horror.  Horror is a genre of friction where it purposely creates feelings of fear, dread, repulsion, and terror to the audience. It makes the audience afraid through the imaginary and wording even through their minds. There are few sub-genres implicated in this film, supernatural, thriller and psychological. These three genres had shown a great effect and make this film become more interesting.

                      In this film, it uses lightning to increase the sense of fear. One of the scenes Cole's is hiding inside the red tent as he noticed there was something around him. The lightning focused on his face makes the audience know that actually, Cole was very scared. He was shivering and breathing rapidly.  While some of the scenes, it has close up to Cole's facial expression. He went to bed and covered himself tightly with his blanket. He was sobbing pitifully and looks meager. Makeup and costumes were pretty good where they had played an important role in this film. When Kyra Collins appear under her bed, the makeup on her face was quite scary. The film stylish has put many foundations so that her face looks pale. Her eyes circles darker and her lips color is black. It shows that she already dead. Her costume with a light blue dress revealed she was intelligent, obedient and kind. This film chose to shoot at a church in which Cole met Malcolm for the first time. They then started their conversation and know each other secret.

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                  Lighting                                    Facial Expression     

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Makeup & costume                                   Setting        

                         Let us discussed the five horror scenes in this film that scared me, to be honest. The first scene happens at the beginning of the film. Malcolm was celebrating with his wife, Anna for he as been received an award commendation of his professional excellence. After celebrating, both of them having fun in their room and they accidentally realized their things sprinkled all over the floor. There has some creepy sound from the bathroom and Malcolm slowly walked near to it. A man named Vincent Grey looks miserable then appeared. He feels that he was deceit by Malcolm when he was still a kid. In order to wreak his anger, he shot Malcolm and killed himself. His unstable motions make me feels scary.  

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                           The second scene happens in the midnight where Cole was urgently needed to go to the toilet. When he is peeing, a person walked passed through behind him. He slowly turned back and his facial expression tells me that he probably knows what is going to happen. Then, he dragging heavy steps to the kitchen and he saw a woman was doing stuff in the kitchen. He thought that she was her mum. But when the woman turned her head, she talked rudely to Cole and scolded him impatiently. The makeup of the woman actually freaks me out as it looks more real to show that she had already died.

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                          Thirdly, Cole was watching a stage show with Malcolm. When they were walking back home with a conversation, Cole stopped his pace and he was looking at a place with stairs. Malcolm felt curious about his actions so he comes forward asked Cole what happened. Cole told him that there were three dead people hanging up there. When the scene closes up to the three dead people, it frightened me due to their expression. I have nothing to say about that because when I saw it I covered my eyes at the first timing.

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                                Furthermore, Cole met another boy who is walking into his room. I thought that the boy is Cole's friend and he talks to Cole a few sentences. When he turned his head, I'm totally stunned as the boy actually was a ghost. There is a huge hole behind his head and the wound is bleeding seriously. It was very terrible and disgusting when the camera closes up behind his head. The makeup was professional and it has revealed the dread of the scene.                                

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                           Last but not least, Cole heard some weird sound and he sensed something wrong around him. He was highly tensioned at that moment. He immediately hides in a red tent to escape from the ghost. But truly unlucky, the tent opened and a girl named Kyra Collins appeared beside her vomiting kind of disgusting thing. Not only this, she then covered herself with a red cloth. Cole took off the cloth and it is the same person. The sound effect threatens me the most when the scene keeps nearer to the red cloth. This is the scene that I feel the scariest for me because it was continuously filming the horror scene.

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                            I like the ending where Malcolm finally has the chance to meet his wife. It shows Malcolm loved his wife very much and he was grudge to leave his wife. Although Anna did not know Malcolm was just beside her, I believed that she had felt it. Both of them showed true love and their faithful relationship. I will recommend this movie because this is the least horrible horror movie that I have been watched despite there still some scenes that scared me.

Reference link:

Literary Terms. (2015, June 1). Retrieved November 3, 2015, from https://literaryterms.net/horror/

Steemit. Understanding horror film, types and subgenre horror films. Retrieved 2017, from https://steemit.com/film/@film-trail/understanding-horror-film-types-and-subgenres-horror-films

A Semantic/Syntactic Approach by Rick Altman
Hayward, Susan (2013) Cinema Studies The Key Concepts, 4th ed., USA: Routledge, pp. 182 – 189, 203 – 211.

Bordwell, David & Thompson, Kristin (2010) Film Art An Introduction, 9th ed., USA: McGraw-Hill, pp. 328 – 348; 269 – 311.

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Scott Pilgrim VS The World Movie Review

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                     In the second class of film studies, I have watched a movie named Scott Pilgrim VS The World. I'm totally blurred about this movie. When our lecturer gave us watched this movie, my first impression of this movie pop out that it was linked with animation. Scott Pilgrim VS The World is an action comedy film published in 2010. It is co-written, produced and directed by Edgar Wright, based on the graphic novel series Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O'MalleyThis film talks about a slothful musician named Scott Pilgrim played by Michael Cera who must battle the seven evil ex-boyfriends of his newest girlfriend Ramona. It had also shown that two girls who love the same boy very much and both of them are willing to compromise with each other at last. 

                        The scene I would like to talk about is when Scott received a phone call from Gideon to invite him to the Chaos Theatre in Toronto where Sex-Bob-Omb is playing. Before that, Scott and his band were performing on the stage. He stunned when he saw Ramona is together with Gideon and they seem very intimate. Scott continued his performance while Katayanagi Twins were playing electronic music. It was a trap where Katayanagi Twins try to attack Scott but they failed. Scott won his 1-up and he straightaway runs out to talk to Ramona. Scott felt upset when Ramona told him she wants to break up with him. Then, Gideon and Ramona left after Sex-Bob-Omb signed the three-albums contract. In order to win back Ramona, Scott accepts Gideon's invitation to the Chaos Theatre. Scott was furious with determination. Because of this, Scott earns the power of love. Scott used it and killed all the attendants of Gideon. He was desired to kill Gideon but still could not make it. Just as Gideon wanted to kill Scott, Knives saved him at the moment. By feeling guilty to Knives and Ramona, Scott was distracted and he has been killed by Gideon. However, this did not lead Scott to give up. Ramona told him her mind was controlled by Gideon. Scott then used his 1-up and he earns the power of self-respect. This time Scott became stronger and steady. As being times of failures by killing Gideon, Scott found a chance to kill Gideon with Knives's assistance and he earns 7 billion. Without control by Gideon, Ramona was free and she was ready to leave when Scott was talking to Knives. Knives realized that the person who Scott loving at all was Ramona and she chooses to give up. Scott ended up leaving with Ramona. There was a happy ending.

                        In this movie, it has shown a lot of interesting mise-en-scenes and mise-en-shots. Apart from the scene that I have described above, the scene in which the appearance of Lucas Lee was very fascinating. From that scene, it shows the actor's behavior and movement. When Lucas Lee came out, there was a sound effect of avengers. It makes this movie become more lively and the audience will put the attention on Lucas which he was Ramona's second exes. The gestures and facial expressions that emerged from Lucas and Scott were fantastic when they were fighting with each other. This surely will increase the movie's reaction. Besides, the movie's producer has put some effects when Lucas was fighting with Scott and there come multiple of Lucas. These multiple effects have also been used by Mathew Patel, which was Ramona's first exes. 

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Multiple effects of Lucas Lee and Mathew Patel

                      Furthermore, the costumes showed in this movie was extremely attractive and noticeable. One of the reasons that attract me to watch this movie was because of the costumes. For instance, Mathew Patel wears a normal striped t-shirt with red and black color on his inner side. After adding a light brown coat, it makes him look more formal and nuttiness. This kind of style also makes him looks like a pirate plus his hair was covered half of his face. For the costumes of Todd and Envy, both of them look to match and they are a couple. Todd wears a t-shirt which has number 3 in front of his t-shirt with a wristband. It gave people the feeling of he was a footballer and it has been successfully concealed his real character. Envy have wears two types of costumes which are black and white vest with a jacket and black vest with a white coat. This makes Envy looks charming when she put on the earrings and necklaces with creamy-white hair. It gives people feels like she was a strong woman and a mighty woman.

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Mathew Patel

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Todd & Envy Adams

                    In addition, this movie has shown many attractive flashes of lightning. One of the examples was when Katayanagi Twins were playing the electronic music on the stage which they colluded with Gideon used to attack Scott. The lightning showed behind was enchanted. One of the settings and props used in this movie was the practice place for Scott's band, Sex-Bob-Omb. They used a house living room and make it looks like an auditorium. It was creative and can save money by renting other places to practice.

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Setting & Props

                           There were different types of shots showed in this movie. Through these shots, it can make the movie become more diversification so that not look so boring. The examples of shots such as :


 Close up

Extreme close up

Medium shot

Long Shot

Extreme long shot

High angled shot

Low angled shot

                          In conclusion, Scott Pilgrim VS The World showed many nice skills and high quality producing in this movie. I also learned a meaningful lesson through this movie which said by Scott's roommate, Wallace Wells when he encouraged Scott to be brave if Scott wanted to chase his own favorite girl. Wallace Wells said that have to overcome any and all obstacles that lie in our path. It was such a good phrase and give people inspiration. So, I would like to say this is a valuable movie that worth to be watched.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

World War Z Movie Review


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            World War Z is an American apocalyptic horror film published in 2013. It was directed by Marc Forster based on the novel of the same name by Max Brooks in 2006. In this movie, we could see family love which the husband and wife protect their two daughters with life when the zombies attacked them. Furthermore, this movie shows that the truthless of humanity where human killing  each other in order to protect themselves or else they will be infected.

              Honestly, World War Z is the movie i watched for the first time. Before that, i did not know this movie and i have not heard people discussing about this movie. After watching, i think that World War Z is a movie that full of thrills and dangers. People need to be very vigilant and cautious if they want to survive. Because of the deadly pathogens, caused the city in turmoil and crisis everywhere. Fortunately, it has been temporarily released at the end. The main idea in this movie is the characters are struggling hardly to survive from the virus.

              Now, let us talk about the movie summary. In the beginning, a former UN employee Gerry Lane, and his wife Karin bring their two daughters, Rachel and Connie go for a ride. They were stuck in a heavy traffic jam. Suddenly, the city was destroyed by the zombies and huge sound attracted by Gerry and his family. Gerry's car mirror has also been destroyed. Rachel and Connie were so afraid. They keep shivering without listen to their parents's advise. A lot of accidents happened and the cars  crashed seriously. In order to avoid the zombies, Gerry drove as fast as he could but still the accident happened. Fortunately, he and his family are save. As the chaos keep spreading, Gerry and his wife, Karin immediately carry their daughter get away from Philadelphia. Although they already escape to Newark, New Jersey but they still chasing by the zombies. In the process, they met a home which staying a couple with a young son named Tommy. Luckily, Tommy and his parents were friendly and they retain Gerry's family. After taking some food and rest, Gerry and his family quickly continue their escape plan. They went to the top floor of the apartment where Gerry's old friend,who is an UN Deputy Secretary-General named Thierry Umutoni already sent a helicopter to extract Gerry's family and Tommy. They have been settled down at U.S. Navy vessel in the Atlantic. Gerry and Fassbach fly to Camp Humphreys soon to find out the solutions. Unpredictably, Fassbach accidentally shoots himself dead when he wants to enter the air-craft. After that, Gerry went to Jerusalem which he had been told by a former CIA operative that there can get the resources. Gerry met a soldier named Segan and rescued her as her hand was bitten. They escape to an aeroplane and do some treatment. The plane crush caused Gerry was in a coma about three days. When he was awake, he realised that he was lying in the World Health Organisation(WHO). Gerry went to vault 139 to get the pathogen. After suffering lots of difficulties, he had successfully get the pathogen and reunited with his family.                

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             In this movie, there are some scenes that make me feels interesting and i will repeat the scenes again and again. One of the scene i love happened is when all zombies outbreak and climb over the wall. This is because it reacts how human was eager to survive. The deadly pathogens inside their body will become active since they heard any loud sound. Just when people are singing the national anthem and enjoying the mood, a women holding with a microphone had produce the sonic boom. The zombies heard the sound started to attack the humans. I felt anxious and afraid of that the zombies are killing human continuously. It was so scary when all the zombies tried to climb through the wall. Gerry noticed that is something wrong at the first time he then immediately run to Jaffa gate with Mossad. There was a helicopter and many soldiers standby to shoot the zombies. It was extremely cruel when a zombies jump to a soldier's body and bite his leg. The blood splash out and it was disgusting. On the other hand, i could see the human was so scared when the zombies keep chasing them. Everyone running like a hell but still cannot survive. Their spirit is deserved to be appreciated.

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              Besides, the second scene in the movie that i love is Gerry did not care about his own life risk and try his best to sneak into the science lab in order to get the pathogens. Gerry, Segen and the lead World Health Organisation (WHO) doctor then go to vault 139 to get the pathogens. While they were on their way, they accidentally hit the things beside them and arouse more and more zombies. As they were fighting with zombies through their way, Gerry was forced to separate with Segen and doctor, Gerry continue to find the pathogen. Through this action, i admire Gerry for his sacrifice to save his partners. He did not left his partners behind but think of their danger first. Gerry then successfully get the pathogen. However, when Gerry wants to go back he was resist by a zombie. Without doing any things, Gerry choose to hurt himself and he injects himself with an unknown pathogen. Before he go out, he requested his teammates to inform his wife that he loves her and kids very much. Gerry has shows how much he cares his family and he was very reluctant. Luckily, he escaped successfully.

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           Moreover, the third scene and also the last scene that i love in this movie is Gerry and his family finally reunited at Freeport, Nova Scotia. I felt very happy when Gerry meets his wife and kids. It was so touching when they hug each other tightly with tears. I also could see that Gerry felt relaxed and gentle when he saw his family from his facial expression. Nothing more important than family love for Gerry at that moment.

            To sum up, World War Z is a nice movie for us to watch. It gave us a lot of inspiration and motivation which we should be brave when suffer the problems no matter how hard it is. This movie tells us we should not gave up easily.The most important is we should love our family and cherish all the moments when stay together. But a little defect is i think this movie is not suitable for the children to watch because it involves a lot of bloody and merciless scenes. It maybe affect their emotion approximately. What i would say is i will recommend this movie to my family and friends except my cousins who are below 12 years old.