Wednesday 12 June 2019

World War Z Movie Review


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            World War Z is an American apocalyptic horror film published in 2013. It was directed by Marc Forster based on the novel of the same name by Max Brooks in 2006. In this movie, we could see family love which the husband and wife protect their two daughters with life when the zombies attacked them. Furthermore, this movie shows that the truthless of humanity where human killing  each other in order to protect themselves or else they will be infected.

              Honestly, World War Z is the movie i watched for the first time. Before that, i did not know this movie and i have not heard people discussing about this movie. After watching, i think that World War Z is a movie that full of thrills and dangers. People need to be very vigilant and cautious if they want to survive. Because of the deadly pathogens, caused the city in turmoil and crisis everywhere. Fortunately, it has been temporarily released at the end. The main idea in this movie is the characters are struggling hardly to survive from the virus.

              Now, let us talk about the movie summary. In the beginning, a former UN employee Gerry Lane, and his wife Karin bring their two daughters, Rachel and Connie go for a ride. They were stuck in a heavy traffic jam. Suddenly, the city was destroyed by the zombies and huge sound attracted by Gerry and his family. Gerry's car mirror has also been destroyed. Rachel and Connie were so afraid. They keep shivering without listen to their parents's advise. A lot of accidents happened and the cars  crashed seriously. In order to avoid the zombies, Gerry drove as fast as he could but still the accident happened. Fortunately, he and his family are save. As the chaos keep spreading, Gerry and his wife, Karin immediately carry their daughter get away from Philadelphia. Although they already escape to Newark, New Jersey but they still chasing by the zombies. In the process, they met a home which staying a couple with a young son named Tommy. Luckily, Tommy and his parents were friendly and they retain Gerry's family. After taking some food and rest, Gerry and his family quickly continue their escape plan. They went to the top floor of the apartment where Gerry's old friend,who is an UN Deputy Secretary-General named Thierry Umutoni already sent a helicopter to extract Gerry's family and Tommy. They have been settled down at U.S. Navy vessel in the Atlantic. Gerry and Fassbach fly to Camp Humphreys soon to find out the solutions. Unpredictably, Fassbach accidentally shoots himself dead when he wants to enter the air-craft. After that, Gerry went to Jerusalem which he had been told by a former CIA operative that there can get the resources. Gerry met a soldier named Segan and rescued her as her hand was bitten. They escape to an aeroplane and do some treatment. The plane crush caused Gerry was in a coma about three days. When he was awake, he realised that he was lying in the World Health Organisation(WHO). Gerry went to vault 139 to get the pathogen. After suffering lots of difficulties, he had successfully get the pathogen and reunited with his family.                

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             In this movie, there are some scenes that make me feels interesting and i will repeat the scenes again and again. One of the scene i love happened is when all zombies outbreak and climb over the wall. This is because it reacts how human was eager to survive. The deadly pathogens inside their body will become active since they heard any loud sound. Just when people are singing the national anthem and enjoying the mood, a women holding with a microphone had produce the sonic boom. The zombies heard the sound started to attack the humans. I felt anxious and afraid of that the zombies are killing human continuously. It was so scary when all the zombies tried to climb through the wall. Gerry noticed that is something wrong at the first time he then immediately run to Jaffa gate with Mossad. There was a helicopter and many soldiers standby to shoot the zombies. It was extremely cruel when a zombies jump to a soldier's body and bite his leg. The blood splash out and it was disgusting. On the other hand, i could see the human was so scared when the zombies keep chasing them. Everyone running like a hell but still cannot survive. Their spirit is deserved to be appreciated.

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              Besides, the second scene in the movie that i love is Gerry did not care about his own life risk and try his best to sneak into the science lab in order to get the pathogens. Gerry, Segen and the lead World Health Organisation (WHO) doctor then go to vault 139 to get the pathogens. While they were on their way, they accidentally hit the things beside them and arouse more and more zombies. As they were fighting with zombies through their way, Gerry was forced to separate with Segen and doctor, Gerry continue to find the pathogen. Through this action, i admire Gerry for his sacrifice to save his partners. He did not left his partners behind but think of their danger first. Gerry then successfully get the pathogen. However, when Gerry wants to go back he was resist by a zombie. Without doing any things, Gerry choose to hurt himself and he injects himself with an unknown pathogen. Before he go out, he requested his teammates to inform his wife that he loves her and kids very much. Gerry has shows how much he cares his family and he was very reluctant. Luckily, he escaped successfully.

Image result for world war z scene when gerry reunited with his family


           Moreover, the third scene and also the last scene that i love in this movie is Gerry and his family finally reunited at Freeport, Nova Scotia. I felt very happy when Gerry meets his wife and kids. It was so touching when they hug each other tightly with tears. I also could see that Gerry felt relaxed and gentle when he saw his family from his facial expression. Nothing more important than family love for Gerry at that moment.

            To sum up, World War Z is a nice movie for us to watch. It gave us a lot of inspiration and motivation which we should be brave when suffer the problems no matter how hard it is. This movie tells us we should not gave up easily.The most important is we should love our family and cherish all the moments when stay together. But a little defect is i think this movie is not suitable for the children to watch because it involves a lot of bloody and merciless scenes. It maybe affect their emotion approximately. What i would say is i will recommend this movie to my family and friends except my cousins who are below 12 years old.

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